
As Margate no longer enjoys the status of a Borough, the Mayoralty is administered by the Margate Charter Trustees, these being those elected members of Thanet District Council whose wards lie within the boundary of the old Borough of Margate.

Please click on any of the links below to view the document.


DocumentSizeDate Uploaded
Certified AGAR forms Part 1 & 2 2023-242.97 MB25/09/2024Download
External Auditor's Report 2023-2417.34 KB25/09/2024Download
Conclusion of Audit 2023-24592.48 KB25/09/2024Download
Final Internal Audit report 2023/24220.35 KB23/05/2024Download
Signed Accounting Statement 2023/241.56 MB23/05/2024Download
Annual Governance Statement 2023/241.40 MB23/05/2024Download
Annual Internal Audit Report 2023/24326.67 KB23/05/2024Download
Notice of Public Right & Publication of unaudited annual governance & accountability return y/e 31.3.2427.56 KB23/05/2024Download
Receipts & Payments to 29.2.2418.79 KB22/03/2024Download
Certified AGAR parts 1 and 21.74 MB19/10/2023Download
Certified AGAR parts 1 and 21.99 MB19/10/2023Download
External Auditors Certificate 2022/231.15 MB19/10/2023Download
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2022/23603.24 KB19/10/2023Download
Receipts & Payments to 31.3.2419.65KB14/09/2023Download
AGAR Accounting Statement 2022/231.56 MB30/05/2023Download
AGAR Annual Governance Statement 2022-231.40 MB30/05/2023Download
Local Authority Accounts: A Summary of your Rights (2)1.12 MB30/05/2023Download
Local Authority Accounts: A Summary of your Rights (1)1.33 MB30/05/2023Download
Notice of public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Accounts 2022-23953.74 KB30/05/2023Download
Receipts & Payments to 31.3.2219.44 KB15/05/2023Download
Receipts and Payments to 31st January 202317.76 KB20/02/2023Download
Budget 2022-2315.75 KB26/09/2022Download
Budget 2022-2315.75 KB26/09/2022Download
External Auditor's Certificate y/e 31.2.2214.63 KB15/09/2022Download
External Auditor's Certificate y/e 31.2.2214.63 KB15/09/2022Download
Certified AGAR Sections 1 & 2 y/e MB15/09/2022Download
Certified AGAR Sections 1 & 2 y/e MB15/09/2022Download
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2021-22538.29 KB15/09/2022Download
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2021-22538.29 KB15/09/2022Download
Internal Auditor's Final Report y/e 31.3.22 Awaiting Adoption171.53 KB15/09/2022Download
Internal Auditor's Final Report y/e 31.3.22 Awaiting Adoption171.53 KB15/09/2022Download
Receipts & Payments to 31st August 202214.13 KB05/09/2022Download
Receipts & Payments to 31st August 202214.13 KB05/09/2022Download
Receipts and payments to 31.5.2211.84 KB10/06/2022Download
Receipts and payments to 31.5.2211.84 KB10/06/2022Download
Public Rights & Publication of Unaudited Accounts y/e 31.3.2226.26 KB10/06/2022Download
Public Rights & Publication of Unaudited Accounts y/e 31.3.2226.26 KB10/06/2022Download
Accounting Statement y/e MB10/06/2022Download
Accounting Statement y/e MB10/06/2022Download
Annual Governance Statement y/e MB10/06/2022Download
Annual Governance Statement y/e MB10/06/2022Download
Internal Auditor's Certificate1.91 MB10/06/2022Download
Internal Auditor's Certificate1.91 MB10/06/2022Download
Receipts and Payments to 31.3.2218.35 KB19/05/2022Download
Receipts and Payments to 31.3.2218.35 KB19/05/2022Download
Receipts and Payments to 30.11.2115.44 KB02/12/2021Download
Receipts and Payments to 30.11.2115.44 KB02/12/2021Download
Internal Audit Interim Report to 30/9/21155.17 KB02/12/2021Download
Internal Audit Interim Report to 30/9/21155.17 KB02/12/2021Download
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 20-21612.54 KB14/09/2021Download
External Auditor's Report 20-211.05 MB14/09/2021Download
Certified Annual Governance Statement1.66 MB14/09/2021Download
Certified Accounting Statement 20-211.77 MB14/09/2021Download
Receipts & Payments to 31.8.2113.13 KB14/09/2021Download
Internal Audit Final Report y/e 31.3.19110.50 KB11/06/2021Download
Internal Audit Interim report y/e 31.3.19222.22 KB11/06/2021Download
Expenditure & Income y/e 31.3.1916.19 KB11/06/2021Download
Budget 2019-202012.32 KB11/06/2021Download
Notice of Conclusion of Audit y/3 31.3.19510.46 KB11/06/2021Download
External Auditor's Certificate y/e MB11/06/2021Download
Internal Auditor's Certificate2.68 MB11/06/2021Download
Annual Accountability Return y/e MB11/06/2021Download
Annual Governance Statement y/e MB11/06/2021Download
Notice of Public Rights & Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance Statement & Accountability Return y/e 31.3.1921.92 KB11/06/2021Download
Expenditure & Income y/e/ 31.3.2017.28 KB11/06/2021Download
Expenditure & Income 2020-2114.51 KB11/06/2021Download
Budget 2020-2111.90 KB11/06/2021Download
Internal Audit Interim Report y/e 31.3.20112.50 KB11/06/2021Download
Internal Audit Final Report y/e 31.3.20124.50 KB11/06/2021Download
Notice of Conclusion of Audit y/e 31.3.20207.26 KB11/06/2021Download
External Audit Certificate y/e 31.3.20135.38 KB11/06/2021Download
Annual Governance Statement & Accounting Statement y/e 31.3.20438.93 KB11/06/2021Download
Notice of Public Rights & Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return y/e 31.3.2032.19 KB11/06/2021Download
Budget 2021-202212.68 KB11/06/2021Download
Internal Interim Auditor's Report y/e 31.3.21105.50 KB11/06/2021Download
Internal Auditor's Final Report y/e 31.3.21 (Awaiting adoption)112.00 KB11/06/2021Download
Internal Auditor's Certificate y/e MB11/06/2021Download
Accounting Statement y/2 MB11/06/2021Download
Public Rights & Publication of Unaudited Accounts25.40 KB11/06/2021Download
Annual Governance Statement y/e

Minutes, Agendas & Reports

DocumentSizeDate Uploaded
Minutes 16.9.2419.57 KB25/09/2024Download
Minutes 1.7.2427.07 KB29/07/2024Download
Agenda 1.7.2421.07 KB29/07/2024Download
Minutes 22.4.2421.69 KB29/07/2024Download
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Minutes 22.1.2420.34 KB22/03/2024Download
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Minutes 13.11.2321.34KB22/03/2024Download
Agenda 13.11.2319.58 KB22/03/2024Download
Minutes 11.9.2327.24 KB14/09/2023Download
Agenda 11.9.2344.50 KB14/09/2023Download
Extraordinary Agenda 17.7.2317.95 KB23/08/2023Download
Minutes 26.6.2319.69 KB23/08/2023Download
Agenda 26.6.2319.41 KB23/08/2023Download
Agenda 26.6.2319.41 KB23/08/2023Download
Minutes 15.5.2326.00 KB23/08/2023Download
Agenda 15.5.2322.93 KB15/05/2023Download
Minutes 17.4.2315.76 KB15/05/2023Download
Agenda 17.4.2319.50 KB15/05/2023Download
Minutes 30.1.2319.36 KB20/02/2023Download
Agenda 30.1.2320.00 KB20/02/2023Download
Notes 28.11.2213.93 KB20/02/2023Download
Agenda 28.11.2219.45 KB20/02/2023Download
Minutes 17.10.2217.40 KB20/02/2023Download
Agenda 17.10.2219.73 KB20/02/2023Download
Notes 26,9.2213.16 KB20/02/2023Download
Agenda 26.9.2219.88 KB15/09/2022Download
Agenda 26.9.2219.88 KB15/09/2022Download
Minutes 11.7.22 draft28.23 KB15/09/2022Download
Minutes 11.7.22 draft28.23 KB15/09/2022Download
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Agenda 11.7.2220.03 KB15/09/2022Download
Minutes Specially Convened meeting 11.7.2213.25 KB15/09/2022Download
Minutes Specially Convened meeting 11.7.2213.25 KB15/09/2022Download
Agenda Specially Convened meeting 11.7.2219.45 KB15/09/2022Download
Agenda Specially Convened meeting 11.7.2219.45 KB15/09/2022Download
Minutes 13.4.2219.28 KB19/05/2022Download
Minutes 13.4.2219.28 KB19/05/2022Download
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Agenda 24.1.2220.26 KB19/05/2022Download
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Agenda 11.1.16 Extraordinary12.72 KB11/06/2021Download
Minutes 29.2.1615.73 KB11/06/2021Download
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Minutes 26.6.1717.68 KB11/06/2021Download
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Minutes 31.7.17 Extraordinary TC0.96 MB11/06/2021Download
Agenda 31.7.17 Extraordinary TC39.00 KB11/06/2021Download
Minutes 25.9.1726.45 KB11/06/2021Download
Agenda 25.9.1743.00 KB11/06/2021Download
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Minutes 24.6.1930.84 KB11/06/2021Download
Agenda 24.6.1945.00 KB11/06/2021Download
Minutes 16.9.1920.44 KB11/06/2021Download
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Minutes 2.12.1929.79 KB11/06/2021Download
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Minutes 30.11.2025.64 KB11/06/2021Download
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Agenda 25.1.2161.66 KB11/06/2021Download
Minutes 24.3.21 Extra13.50 KB11/06/2021Download
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Minutes 12.4.2125.00KB11/06/2021Download
Agenda 12.4.2150.00 KB11/06/2021Download
Agenda 4.5.21 Extraordinary18.64 KB11/06/2021Download


DocumentSizeDate Uploaded
Email Privacy Policy53.53 KB11/06/2021Download
Privacy Notice86.51 KB11/06/2021Download
Investment Policy92.14 KB11/06/2021Download
Standing Orders (Reviewed Annually)137.16 KB11/06/2021Download
Financial Regulations adopted 14.5.18 (Reviewed Annually)94.67 KB11/06/2021Download

For more information about the Mayor and Charter Trustees of Margate, please feel free to contact us on 01843 663313.

Contact Details

01843 663313

The Mayor's Parlour
Margate Media Centre,
Room H
11-13 King Street

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